Join Us!

We invite all volleyball enthusiasts, players, coaches, and supporters to join us for these exciting events. Whether you're participating or cheering from the sidelines, your presence makes a significant impact on the success of our championships.

Stay tuned for more details as we approach these events. Let's come together to celebrate and support our young volleyball talents as they compete at the highest level!

Volley South Regional Association Closed Y9/10 Championship

Volley South proudly hosts the annual Regional Association Closed Y9/10 Championship every October. This highly anticipated event is a key component in determining the champion school in our region. 

It also provides seeding for our teams in the Volleyball New Zealand (VNZ) South Island Juniors, held each November for both indoor and beach volleyball.

The results from our October championship are sent directly to Volleyball New Zealand and are instrumental in sorting the South seedings for the VNZ South Island Juniors. This ensures our teams are accurately ranked and ready to compete at the highest level.

Hosting the VNZ South Island Championships in 2025

Exciting news for the volleyball community! In 2025, Volley South will have the honour of hosting the VNZ South Island Championships for both beach and indoor volleyball. We are thrilled to bring this prestigious event to our region and showcase the talent and dedication of our young athletes, and our facilities.

2024 Volley South Championships Event Details

Beach Junior Championships:

  • Location: Otepuni Community Hub, Forth Street, Invercargill
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (if required)
  • Date: Saturday, 19th October

Indoor Junior Championships:

  • Location: ILT Stadium Southland
  • Date: Sunday, 20th October
  • Time: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (with possible overruns until 8:00 PM)


The championships will follow the Volleyball New Zealand format, and all scheduling and rules will adhere to the VNZ rulebook. Please refer to the current VNZ rulebook for detailed guidelines and regulations. Below is the 2023 VNZ manual we are awaiting 2024  

2023 to be updated once VNZ release


7.9 Entries by seeding will be allocated into initial grades of 16 teams (4 pools of 4).

7.10 Lower grades will be determined by the number of entries which the organiser can set a cap on.

7.11 Following pool play, Division 1 of 16 will split into Top 8/Bottom 8 or in the case of lower grades as determined by the number of entries.

7.12 There will be automatic promotion/relegation of the regional position between grades based on the finishing places of the bottom 2 /top 2 New Zealand placed teams in each grade.

7.13 Following promotion/relegation

(7.12) grades will be seeded on the previous three years results of a region. This will be calculated as follows: • 60% weighting for the results from the previous year • 30% weighting for the results two years previous • 10% weighting for the results three years previous Page 8 of 20

7.14 For the first round, pools will be arranged to ensure that where possible, there will be an even distribution of teams from each region as follows: • Changes of one seeded place may only be made in the bottom half (9-16) of the draw when moving teams between pools to accommodate the even distribution of teams from the same region.

7.15 A team must play in the grade they are seeded in.

7.16 Regions are not guaranteed a Top 16 seeding.


1. The first game in the day may commence as early as 8.00am.

Games will be allocated 1 hour in the North Island event. For the South Island, 1 hour 15 minutes will be allocated except for the first round of day where 1 hour 30 minutes is allocated as teams playing in the second round are on duty.

2. All matches will start at the scheduled time, or earlier by agreement between Team Captains and the Duty team.

3. Teams must be present at the allocated court at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of their match.

Official net time warm up will begin immediately after the toss has been completed.

4. Matches running behind time must be underway 15 minutes after the completion of the previous match.

5. Coaches and/or Managers are responsible for confirming scheduled games and any changes to the draw.


South Island Best of 3 sets (2 sets to 25, 1 set to 15), change ends when first team reaches 8 points.

All sets rally points to two-point advantage, no cap


1. Any team which is not ready to take the court (6 players) at the scheduled start time of the match, or 15 minutes after the completion of the previous match (if behind schedule) will lose the first set by default.

2. If after 10 minutes after the commencement of the match, the team has not arrived, the game is forfeited.

3. A team that defaults a game without adequate reason will be fined and may be subject to further disciplinary action.