Open Community Championships
Venue: ILT Stadium, Southland
Date: Saturday 8 March 2025
Grades: Open Men and Open Women
Volley South will be entering U19 and U17 boys and girls’ rep squads for tournament preparation.
No-named squad players are able to play for any other team. Each player must play for one team only.
Entry Fee: $295 per team.
Time: 8 am first games – finish 6 pm sharp due to venue restrictions. Due to restrictions on venue availability, games will be scheduled with 1.5-hour time ( 90 minute) limits and will be timed. Warm up inside that 90 minutes.
Maximum 8 teams per grade. Open to Open teams only – 6 Open Men’s spots and 5 Open Women’s spots available.
No mixed gender grade. Female can play in Male grade, Male cannot play in Female grade.
All teams must supply the following officials:
1st Referee, 2 Linesmen, a Scorer, a Flipper, and a 2nd Referee.
Code of Conduct is as per Volleyball New Zealand and Volley South.