Notice of 2024 Volley South Annual General Meeting

Date: Sunday, 17th November 2024

Time: 2:00 PM

Venue: Online (Link will be provided upon registration)

To attend, please: RSVP by emailing by 10th November 2024 to receive the meeting link.


  1. Welcome, attendees, and apologies
  2. Confirmation of Minutes.
  3. Presentation of Annual Financial Report
  4. One appointment position is becoming vacant. Stephanie Roberts – Co-Chair (Appointed) is stepping down after many years of service. Please use the official form only to apply for an appointed position - deadline 11:59 PM, 3rd November 2024
  5. All motions and general business must be submitted in writing on the official form only.  No motions or general business will be accepted from the floor during the AGM -deadline 11:59 PM, 3rd November 2024
  6. All awards must be submitted in writing on the official form only -  deadline 11:59 PM, 3rd November 2024

Board Members:

  1. Stephanie Roberts – Co-Chair (Appointed) * stepping down 2024
  2. John Knowler (Appointed)
  3. Brent Jamieson (Appointed)
  4. Suzannah Schwarz (Appointed)
  5. Jorgelina Leiva – Appointed Coach Representative
  6. Tomas Adams – Appointed Player Representative
  7. 7. Opini Toomalatai – Co-Chair (Elected) 

Non-voting Youth Members:

8. Julian Patino – Youth Voice Chair

9. Amber Flay – Youth Voice Deputy Chair

Constitution References*:

According to the Volley South Constitution:

  • Section 10.1 – The AGM must be held no later than six months after the end of the financial year. Our financial year ends on 30th June, and the AGM is on 17th November.
  • Section 12.1 – Notice of the AGM must be provided at least 28 days prior. This notice was issued on 20th October 2024.
  • Section 13.4 – The Annual Financial Report will be presented at the AGM and posted on the Volley South website by 10th November 2024.
  • Section 14.4 – All motions must be submitted 14 days prior to the AGM on the provided online form only. The deadline is 11:59 PM, 3rd November 2024. No motions will be accepted from the floor.
  • Section 6.1 – The Executive Board shall consist of 4 to 8 members.

For more information, you can refer to the full Volley South Constitution on our website.